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Preventive Care & Wellness

  • Dogs can be amazing family members and greatly enrich our lives! Adding a dog to the family is also a serious commitment, and research before choosing a dog will help set the family and the dog up for success. This handout goes over some factors to consider when selecting a dog.

  • Acute Kidney Injury in Cats

    El fallo renal agudo (FRA) o fallo agudo del riñón se refiere a un fallo repentino de los riñones, los cuales dejarán de realizar sus funciones normales de filtración. El FRA es menos frecuente que el fallo renal crónico (FRC). El FRA desencadena una acumulación de toxinas y otros metabolitos de deshecho en la circulación sanguínea, además de inducir desequilibrios electrolíticos y de base acídica.

  • Chronic Kidney Disease in Cats

    Los riñones tienen diferentes funciones. Su principal función es limpiar la sangre de toxinas y sustancias de deshecho, regular el nivel sanguíneo de ciertas sustancias esenciales como el sodio o el potasio, ayudar a conservar el agua del cuerpo y producir la orina.

  • Cat food has been made so palatable that it can easily create gluttonous behavior. Meal feeding and portion control are important to prevent obesity. Owners should not give in to begging behavior. Cats that are still hungry after their meal can be supplemented with snacks such as green vegetables recommended by your veterinarian. Cats that eat too quickly can be fed creatively to slow down eating.

  • The goal of feeding growing kittens is to lay the foundation for a healthy adulthood. Portion feeding is recommended to maintain a good body condition. Proper nutrition is critical to the health and development of kittens, regardless of breed, and it directly influences their immune system and body composition. An optimal growth rate in kittens is ideal; it is a slow and steady growth rate that allows the kitten to achieve an ideal adult body condition while avoiding excessive weight and obesity. Growing kittens need higher amounts of all nutrients in comparison to adult cats, but excess energy calories and calcium can create serious problems. Preventing obesity must begin during the weaning stage and continue through to adulthood and old age. Together with your veterinarian and veterinary healthcare team, you can help your kitten grow into as healthy of an adult cat as possible.

  • The goal of feeding growing puppies is to lay the foundation for a healthy adulthood. Proper nutrition is critical to the health and development of puppies, regardless of breed, and it directly influences their immune system and body composition. An optimal growth rate in puppies is ideal; it is a slow and steady growth rate that allows the puppy to achieve an ideal adult body condition while avoiding excessive weight and obesity. Growing puppies need higher amounts of all nutrients in comparison to adult dogs, but excess energy calories and calcium can create serious problems. Together with your veterinarian and veterinary healthcare team, you can help your puppy grow into as healthy of an adult dog as possible.

  • Over 60% of cats in North America are either overweight or obese, so paying attention to the balance between activity and calorie intake is important. Nutrient formulation and portion control are the two most important aspects of weight control. Once you have chosen a formula and have calculated a reasonable daily portion based on calorie density, the best way to stay on track and prevent unwanted weight gain is to combine portion control with regular, formal weigh-ins.

  • Orphaned kittens will need extra care for survival to compensate for the loss of their mother. Kittens must be kept warm, very clean, and fed frequently using an appropriate amount and type of formula by bottle or less often tube feeding. To ensure nutrition is adequate, daily weight checks should be performed for the first 4 weeks, then weekly thereafter. Kittens must be stimulated to urinate and defecate. Environment, feeding instruments, and the kitten must be kept meticulously clean as they are more susceptible to infection than kittens cared for by their mother.

  • Orphaned puppies will need extra care for survival to compensate for the loss of their mother. Puppies must be kept warm, very clean, and fed frequently using an appropriate amount and type of formula by bottle or less often tube feeding. To ensure nutrition is adequate, daily weight checks should be performed for the first 4 weeks, then weekly thereafter. Puppies must be stimulated to urinate and defecate. Environment, feeding instruments and the puppy must be kept meticulously clean as they are more susceptible to infection than puppies cared for by their mother.

  • Senior cats should be assessed by a veterinarian at least every six months. A nutritional assessment can help the veterinarian identify changing energy or nutrient requirements, which may warrant a diet change. Senior diets vary widely in nutrient profiles as there are no established standards. It remains vital that older cats stay well hydrated. Recommendations for senior cat diets need to be based on regular evaluations and discussion between veterinarian and owner.

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Saint Augustine, Florida, 32086
Phone: 904-797-5601
Fax: 904-794-7170

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Monday 7:00am - 5:30pm
Tuesday 7:00am - 5:30pm
Wednesday 7:00am - 3:00pm
Thursday 7:00am - 5:30pm
Friday 7:00am - 5:30pm
Saturday Closed
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