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Cats + Behavior & Training

  • Picky eaters are often created by their humans offering too much variety of food. Cats can become picky eaters for medical reasons that need to be determined by your veterinarian. It is safe for an otherwise healthy cat to not eat for a few days; beyond this however, they can develop a possibly fatal condition called hepatic lipidosis. To decrease pickiness, having food available for only 30 minutes4-5 times a day can be beneficial. Human food should not be used as a diet as it will lead to nutrient deficiencies. Certain foods are okay to mix with cat food to make them more appealing but check with veterinarian before including these in your dog’s diet. Many cats work on their own schedule and prefer to eat very small amounts frequently (grazing).

  • Children and Pets

    El nacimiento de un bebé o la adopción de un niño/a siempre van unidos a una gran excitación, ansiedad y estrés, pero no sólo para la familia, también las mascotas se ven afectadas.

  • Some cats do not seem to know their strength and do not recognize that they are causing pain to their play partners. Accidental bites and scratches can be painful and cause infection, so it is important to find ways to play safely. With training, you may be able to use a verbal cue to redirect your cat if he becomes overly aroused during play.

  • Using Reinforcement and Rewards to Train Your Pet

    La mejor forma de adiestrar un animal consiste en utilizar correctamente el refuerzo positivo, los premios y los castigos. Es necesario saber cuál de ellos utilizar, cuándo, cómo y qué sucede si se usan indebidamente. La finalidad del adiestramiento es enseñar la tarea o el comportamiento deseados.

  • Preparing your cat to travel to the vet is one of the most important investments you can make during the lifespan of your cat. Cats should visit the veterinary hospital at least once yearly. The smoother the experience goes, the least amount of stress both you and your cat will experience.

  • When families shelter together for extended periods, as occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, pets enjoy nearly constant companionship. As people resume an active lifestyle, pets are suddenly faced with being alone. They may experience distress related to this loss of companionship. Treatment is discussed, such as independence training and an incremental program of safe departures. If your pet shows continued signs of distress related to being alone, it is important to seek professional help to prevent escalation.

  • Behavior Counseling: Senior Pet Behavior Problems

    No es raro que aparezcan problemas de comportamiento en los animales de más edad. Muchas de las causas son las mismas que podemos encontrar en los animales jóvenes, ya que los cambios en la casa o en el ambiente pueden producir problemas a cualquier edad.

  • Counterconditioning occurs when the pet's reaction (emotional response) to a stimulus is changed from one that is anxious or fearful to one that is positive and enjoyable. To accomplish this, favored rewards should be paired with each exposure to the stimulus.

  • For many cats, a visit to the veterinarian can be stressful. Familiarize your cat with being inside a carrier: make the carrier a cozy and pleasant place to be – it is essential for your cat’s safety. Upon arrival at the veterinary office, try to relax and talk calmly to your cat. Bring delicious, favorite treats and a familiar towel that your cat can snuggle in during her examination.

  • A cat’s claws are an integral part of their anatomy. Scratching behaviors are normal and serve many purposes, yet cats can cause damage and injury with their claws. By gaining an understanding of the reason that your cat uses her claws, you can provide her with alternative outlets and prevent her from causing damage to your property.

Contact Us

3450 US 1 South
Saint Augustine, Florida, 32086
Phone: 904-797-5601
Fax: 904-794-7170

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Hours of Operation

Monday 7:00am - 5:30pm
Tuesday 7:00am - 5:30pm
Wednesday 7:00am - 3:00pm
Thursday 7:00am - 5:30pm
Friday 7:00am - 5:30pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed